Tuesday 11 May 2010



Monday 10 May 2010

Movie Trailer


Sunday 9 May 2010

Magazine Front Cover


Movie Poster

Below is the movie poster for our trailer.  I decided to use a shot I took at the location where we filmed out film as the background as I feel it gives a mysterious feel to the poster and by keeping it vague I felt that it might get people interested in the movie because it is left intentionally vague.

Apart from the background image, the rest of the poster is pretty similar to most poster released for real media products.  At the top of the page there is a small tag line which helps with the spooky feel of the poster and also helps guide the viewer in the right direction concerning what genre they think the film will be.

At the bottom of the page, there is the title off the film in a deep, red font which connoted danger and death and again helps let the viewer know what genre of film it is.  Just above the main title the two main actors names are placed, if this was a real film placing the actors names here would be done to use star theory, in which many people would be willing to go and see a film based solely on what actors are in it or who directed it.  Below the title there is the billing block which gives different information about the film companies, actor, producers etc that are involved in making the film.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Organisation: Storyboards

Before we began filming our trailer, we used storyboard to roughly plan out what is going to happen in it.  Each shot was decided with a shot type, sounds involved, and a small picture to give and idea to what is happening.  The storyboards can be seen below.


Monday 19 April 2010

Organisation: Props

Our trailer only contained two props; they were a fake gun, a lighter.  The fake gun was used to make the army man look more realistic as that is what you would expect someone who was in the army to have.  The lighter was used in a short scene at the start of the trailer to show how badly the army man was tortured.

Sunday 18 April 2010

Organisation: Production Log