Tuesday 19 January 2010


Hello and welcome to my blog!

My name is Oliver and I am a student at Deyes High School studying Media Studies. Over the next 6 months or so I will be updating this blog with my progress on my coursework and the related research. The aim of this blog is to clearly show my progress in a diary-like style to show the different stages of work done during my coursework. I hope as the posts go on, my personal development will become clear.

What is my brief?
My task for this coursework unit is to create a promotion package for a new film.  It must contain a teaser trailer, a poster for the film and the front cover of a music magazine featuring the film.

In order to be successful in my tasks, I feel it is important to carry out both primary and secondary research so I can get a idea of who my target market is and how they feel towards film trailers and posters.  By doing this I will be able to design my products with my target market in mind, so I can be more sure that they will like them and therefore be more likely to be interested in seeing the film it is advertising.

What are your intentions?
I intend to start with primary and secondary market research into film trailers, poster and film magazine front covers.  I will try to figure out what people think makes a good trailer/poster/magazine cover so that I can plan my product in a way that I know will be successful.  Once I have completed both my primary and secondary research, I will be able to analyse the data that I will have collected to see what the view of my target market are.

What are you intending to do first?
The first step that I plan to take is to start my primary research and create a questionnaire which can be complete easily online. The questionnaire will contain questions about the three areas of promotion that I need to find out about; movie trailers, posters and magazine covers. As I will be doing it online, the results from the questionnaire will be automatically to a spreadsheet which I can view as raw data or in graph form to make better sense of the information.

What are you going to do for your research?
As mentioned above, my primary research will involve creating a questionnaire with questions about the three different areas that I need to research. I will the collate the data an analyse the results to make guidelines for creating my products. As for my secondary research, to complete that I will analyse the magazine covers and articles of current music magazines so see how they have used different techniques to represent different things and to show different ideologies.