Tuesday 20 April 2010

Organisation: Storyboards

Before we began filming our trailer, we used storyboard to roughly plan out what is going to happen in it.  Each shot was decided with a shot type, sounds involved, and a small picture to give and idea to what is happening.  The storyboards can be seen below.


Monday 19 April 2010

Organisation: Props

Our trailer only contained two props; they were a fake gun, a lighter.  The fake gun was used to make the army man look more realistic as that is what you would expect someone who was in the army to have.  The lighter was used in a short scene at the start of the trailer to show how badly the army man was tortured.

Sunday 18 April 2010

Organisation: Production Log


Organisation: Risk Assesment


Organisation: Costumes

The main two costumes that we used in our trailer were the army costume for myself and the black costume that was used for the torturer.  The army costume consisted of camouflage pants with suspenders and navy tank top.  I feel that this, coupled with the fake gun prop, gave a good representation of an army man and it make it instantly recognisable to the audience to what his job was/used to be.

As for the torturer, his costume consisted simply of a black trench coat with black cloth placed over his head to  hide his face.  Again, with the use of the fake gun, I felt that it was obvious what the scenes with the torturer are about, even though there is no obvious mention (in the form of a voice-over or otherwise) that it he is getting torturer.

The other actors in the film simply wore average, everyday clothes.  We decided to do this to make the character seem like normal people in an extraordinary situation, which makes it easier for the audience to relate with them.  Also, thinking about production/organisation, it was simply easier to get our actors to choose their own clothes