Sunday 21 February 2010

Movie Magazine Front Cover Analysis #1: Shutter Island

Shutter Island is a 2010 film directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Production started in March 2008. Shutter Island was originally slated to be released on October 2, 2009, but Paramount pushed the release date to February 19, 2010.

The film is set in 1954 where two U.S. marshals investigate the disappearance of a patient from a hospital for the criminally insane on an island in Massachusetts. They run into trouble when they are deceived by the hospital's chief administrator, a hurricane hits, and an inmate riot traps them on the island.

Total film magazine is published by Future Publishing and is the UK's best-selling film magazine.  It offers film and DVD new, reviews, and features.  It was launched in 1997 and is published monthly.

The background of the cover is an image of mist surrounding an island with a lighthouse on.  The image is tinted blue giving the cover a predominately blue background colour.

The cover conforms to most aspects of a regular movie magazine.  It has a masthead containing the magazine title, which is used similarly to a logo (even though it just made up of text) as it is kept the same for each edition of the magazine and helps to define the house style of the magazine which makes each edition instantly recognisable the regular viewers.  The masthead is very simple, but it is because of this (and the layout choice for the rest of the pages) the the magazine looks very professional and classy.  To the right of the masthead the lighthouse of the background overlaps to give it a more dominate position on the page.  The lighthouse has a bright yellow light which contrasts greatly against the rest of the colour on the page which could be used to catch the viewer eye but also could been seen as a beacon of hope in the film (as on the movie poster). The yellow on the lighthouse image also matches with the small picture in the top left of the page.

Below the masthead on the left is the text for the main article of the front cover, the Shutter Island article.  DeCaprio's name is mentioned twice for star theory, it is done in the hope that reader will have prior knowledge of DeCaprio's work so may be interesting in his new film.  Two different fonts are used for this puff.  A bold, red font for the main title, 'Shutter Island'.  The red of the font connotes horror, danger and possibly death, this helps to show the genre of the movie to the reader.  The edges of the font are smudged to make the letters look like they are covered in blood, again helping to show the nature of the movie.  The red font also contrasts the blue background fairly heavily which will help to catch the reader eye.  The other font that is used is a plain white font which is used for the catchy headlines for the article.  The use of the name 'Marty' is in relation to the director of the film Martin Scorsese and requires the reader to have prior knowledge of his work in order to be interested by the mention of his name.

The main image of the page is of the star of Shutter Island, Leonardo DeCaprio.  The picture is tinted blue which matches with the background colour (which helps to assimilate the colours of the character to the colours of the background) and the other blue elements on the page.  The image is a sinister character picture with his facial expression and his smart but untidy clothing helping to show this.  The picture is clearly superimposed over the background which helps to give the image a strange angle which confused the viewers eyes slightly and makes the cover more interesting.

To the right of the main image there is another small puff which a picture and quote from the article on the film Avatar from inside the magazine.  The red and blue colour scheme is kept to on this puff which keeps the look of the magazine consistent and professional.  Buzzwords are used again here with the quote stating 'It's got everything'.  This helps to get the reader interested in what is inside the magazine and may persuade them to buy it.

Above the masthead there is banner which relates to one of the articles that is in the magazine.  The title of the banner also used buzzwords such as greatest, ever and top.  There is a small picture to on the left hand side of the banner that is predominately yellow, this matches with the yellow of the light of the lighthouse to the right of the masthead and keeps the colour scheme consistent.  This, along with the reds and blue I have already mentioned, show that the colour scheme for the front cover has been carefully considered and crafted artistically to look good to the eye.  The red, white and blue colour scheme could also be seen as a hint that it is an American film, with those three colour being the colours of the American flag.
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